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Saturday, 28 January 2012

Accidental inventions 1

All think that there will be a great hard work and brain work and will power behind inventions. It may be true in many cases. But there are some inventions which are accidental. Some of them are as follows:-

1.     Ice cream cones: - An ice cream stall at the 1904 world fair in St.Louis, USA, ran out of dishes. The neighboring stall sold wafer thin waffles and stall holder came up with an idea of rolling them into a cone and topping with ice cream.

2.     X-ray:- While setting up cathode ray generator in 1895, Wilhelm roentgen discovered fluorescent effect on chemical coated screen in the room. He had discovered invisible X-rays, which pass through cardboard, wood, paper, but not through bones.

3.     Synthetic dye:- In 1856, William Perkin was attempting to produce synthetic quinine to treat malaria but the experiment produced a purple mess. Perkin spotted the opportunity at once and set up a factory to produce the first synthetic dye.

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